Escape from the kitchen routine and enjoy delicious special dishes for 7 days with an exclusive catering package from Starter ....
Want to experience an unforgettable culinary adventure for two whole weeks at a cheaper price? 15 Day Package from Starter ....
Want to enjoy a practical lifestyle with delicious and nutritious dishes for a whole month? 30 Day Package from Starter ....
Welcome 45 days full of deliciousness and practicality with the 45 Day Package from Starter Catring. Forget the rush of ....
White rice is a classic dish that is simple yet profound in its deliciousness. This rice is the basis of ....
The tempting spicy sensation of typical Indonesian chili sauce combines with delicious potatoes and fried liver. The unique combination of ....
Chicken Curry, an Indonesian specialty featuring chicken soup with a thick curry broth, infused with spices and coconut milk.
The freshness of spinach, long beans and bean sprouts combines with the savory seasoning of grated coconut. Healthy and delicious, ....
Crispy fried chicken bathed in a fresh and alluring sweet and sour sauce. An unforgettable combination of sweet, sour and ....
Savory fried chicken wrapped in grated coconut and serundeng that is crunchy and rich in taste. The savory and spicy ....
Savor our Chicken Wings with Korean Sauce. Crispy wings coated in Korean sauce: sweet, spicy, savory delight.